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Dornoll, AKA Nick is best known for his greetings when coming into Gchat, and leaving. Best Phrase he has typed is "may your mugs not run dry tonight" He has been a member of AIE since June 2008, he had a 5 month vacation from the game while traveling/working. His life outside of WoW, well he is IT Manager of a Local TV station in Texas. He has a wife that plays wow Seliena and 3 kids 2 of which play wow as well.


  • Dornoll - Undead Warlock - spec Destro (at this time)
  • Narmon - Tauren Hunter - spec Beast Mastery
  • Dannisa - Blood Elf Priest - spec Holy
  • Deathbeme - Orc Death Knight - spec blood

My WoW Beginings

I began playing WoW back in 2007 and was lost running around as a undead Warlock then I found the Instance (as many of us have) and moved over to the awesome Earthen Ring.

My I play what I play

Man so much to say

Character History (RP stories)

Dornoll is the oldest Undead and all. more to come
