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< Template:Tooltip
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The template creates a WoW-styled tooltip for items; you can supply any number of the named parameters to display specific text in the tooltip.

Tooltips for other purposes can be created using the templates {{abilitytip}}, {{effecttip}}, {{settip}}, {{achievementbox}}, and {{enchant}}/{{embroid}}. The development version of this template can be found at {{Tooltip/Dev}}

Required Minimal Syntax

Begin all item-page tooltips with the following three lines:


All item-page tooltips should end with the following line:


The template parameters displayed here are required to enable item pages interact with other consumers of tooltip data, and do not change from page to page.

Named parameters

This is the full list of named parameters listed in order that they appear in the displayed/in-game tooltip. Parameters that apply color to text in the finished tooltip have the same color here.

icon to display. omit Image:/File: and extension (.png). Uses {{icon}}.
Example: |icon=INV Ingot Titansteel red
stack size for stackable items. Uses {{icon}}.
item name as it appears in-game.
name of WoWWiki page for this item, if different from |name=.
Example: |disambigpage=Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian (Mage)
item quality, passed to {{quality}} to generate formatted item name.
if the item is Heroic.
Example: |heroic=1
the zone that the item is bound to.
Example: |instancebind=Tempest Keep
conjured item.
Example: |conjured=1
soul binding type. Options are 'BoE', 'BoU', 'BoP' or 'BtA'.
quest item.
Example: |qitem=1
unique items. Pass a number greater than 1 if required.
Example: |unique=1
unique-equipped items. Same rules as |unique=.
Example: |unique-eq=3
glyph type: Major or Minor.
duration this item persists for (time-limited items).
Example: |duration=2 Hours
starts a quest. Provide WoWWiki's quest name, minus "Quest:".
Example: |qbegin=Ancient History
equipment slot. ("Ranged", "Two-Hand", "Hands"...). See full list
armor/weapon type ("Axe", "Wand", "Cloth"...). See full list
weapon speed. Provide two decimal figures.
Example: |speed=4.56
basic weapon damage. Provide a range.
Example: |dmg=4 - 17
basic weapon damage school. Omit if physical.
Example: |dmgtype=Nature
weapon dps. Provide one decimal. (FAP will be displayed automatically)
Example: |dps=186.4
bonus weapon damage. Provide a range if present ("13 - 17").
bonus weapon damage school. Omit if physical.
armor provided by the item.
the bonus armor above and beyond normal for its item level
block value on a shield.
basic attributes. Split with <br /> tags, not line breaks.
Example: |attrib=+6 Stamina<br />+3 Intellect
profession specialization required to use the item.
Example: |req=Gnomish Engineering
item's sockets. Split with <br /> tags, not line breaks.
Example: |sockets={{socket|Blue}}<br />{{socket|Red}}
socket bonus for matching gem colors to socket colors.
Example: |sockbonus=+9 Spell Power
item's durability. Provide the maximum, not the fraction.
Example: |durability=75
lockpicking skill required to open or blank if item is just locked
Example: |locked=300
if a bag, number of slots.
Example: |bag=16
classes the item is usable by. Split with commas.
Example: |classes=Rogue, Mage, Priest
faction name required to use this item. See also |rfaction=.
Example: |rep=Honor Hold
faction reputation level required to use this item. See also |rep=.
Example: |rfaction=Exalted
character level required to use this item.
Example: |level=80
item level.
Example: |ilvl=258
profession skill required to use item.
Example: |skill=Leatherworking (250)
races the item is usable by. Split with commas.
Example: Races: Gnome, Dwarf
personal and team arena rating required to buy the item.
Example: |rating=2250
all of the green "Equip"/"Use" lines. Split with <br /> tags, not line breaks.
name of the item this item creates, or teaches the user to create.
Example: |create=Heavy Frostweave Bandage
item quality of the item in the |create= line.
Example: |createq=Common
materials to make the |create= item. Split with <br /> tags, not line breaks.
Example: |mats={{loot|common|Frostweave Cloth}} x2
the armor set this item belongs to.
number of items in the item's armor set.
set's WoWWiki page name, if different from the displayed set name.
maximum number of times this item can be used.
Example: |charges=10
item's flavor text, without quotes.
Example: |flavor=Blade of the Highlord
display "<Right Click to Read>".
Example: |read=1
display "<Right Click to Open>".
Example: |open=1
cooldown on the use effect of this item.
cast time of the use effect of this item.
buy this item from a vendor. Use {{cost}}/{{costitem}}
Example: |vendor={{cost|123|45|67}}
sell this item to a vendor and get gold. Use {{cost}}
Example: |sell={{cost|30|86|42}}

Display modes

Passing |mode= to the template (and, by extension to the item page syntax, any item page) affects how the template renders the tooltip. There are several valid mode values:

home / away
Displays the tooltip as if on its item page (home) or not on its item page (away). If mode is omitted, the appropriate one of those is chosen by default.
link / imlink
Return an item link (link) or an item link with an image (imlink) instead of the tooltip.