Noogie Nights

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{PageTabs |NOTOC = false |Noogie_Nights/Introduction |10-Raid Members |10-Raid Progression |Loot |AddOns |This=1 }}

Mission Statement: Noggie Nights is a casual, two night a week raid group exploring the 10 man raid game. While we are casual, raid members are expected to know their roles, learn the fights and maintain their gear to the best of their ability. A member should ask themselves, "How can I help 9 other people succeed?" We extend an expectation of excellence to our members.

Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday 11:30pm to 2:30am server time.

Current Content: VOA10 when available -Farm Status- TOC10 (Heroic) Working on Beasts Icecrown Citadel: First section complete, beginning on Plagueworks (all members with 90% attendance are respectfully asked to consider the Noogie Nights raid your primary lockout for these raids)

Policies: -In general a person who attended the raid on Tuesday will be reserved a spot on Thursday, however full members of the raid will always take precedence over subs. Tardiness or desperate need for class synergy can change that and the matter will be handled with all respect and maturity. -Alts: Alts will be considered for the raid on a case by case basis. We have recently expanded the roster to make better use of the 10 classes given to us by Blizzard. Players who do transition to alts are respectfully asked to play their former main in their usual role on progression content until such time as the alt can be seamlessly merged into the raid. Occasionally, to break the stress and monotony we will do gear runs of lower level content. We ask all members to be fair to one another and appreciate that your alt is getting geared because someone else ran farm content on their main, and to extend the same courtesy to others in the future. -If you are unavailable for the raid, then you are unavailable for anything else the raid might do that night. Please show respect to your fellow raiders. -No Call/No Show is disruptive to everyone. If you know in advance you won't be there please get a hold of me on Facebook or through email or through game email. I will also distribute my phone number to all raid regulars in case of last minute emergencies.

Loot: -Loot is master looted and distributed on a need/greed basis. Items that drop for your offspec (meaning the spec you are not currently providing for the raid) are considered GREED. No member will be allowed to raid with spec A but declare spec B to be their primary spec. (being asked to respec for one fight or encounter will not change your primary spec) - Loot rolling: All rolls will be handled on an item at the same time. Mainspec will /roll and offspec will /roll 101-200. Highest mainspec ALWAYS wins, if no mainspec rolls are made then highest offspec roll will be awarded the item. -Special items (bags, mounts, etc) are an open /roll for distribution. -Recipes are distributed as need among eligible crafters (be able to learn it on the spot) -Special skinning is done on a /roll among eligible toons. if there are multiple special skin mobs in a dungeon we will attempt to evenly distribute the skins among appropriate gatherers. -Materials are kept with the most appropriate crafter. Abyss Crystals are kept with Malista and are available for use by all raid members. -Epic gems are given to Shojobeat for keeping and can be requested by any raid member for use with main(raid) spec gear. -Special raid drop crafting materials (orbs, etc) will be kept by Shojobeat and may be used by raid members -For future drops of legendary items, the raid will determine by silent vote who is most worthy of receiving the item/components.

Lockout Extensions: Because of the need to get loot of of early bosses in Icecrown and the resetting of the weekly raid quest, no lockout extension requests are being taken at this time.

Add-Ons: Ora2 Deadly Boss Mods Omen Members must be able to use AIE ventrilo and have a working microphone. Vent discipline (especially on progression fights) is heavily encouraged. Paladins must have and use PallyPower.

Chain of Command: Undomael (formerly Arthasia) Raid Leader Shojobeat - Healer Lead and Vice Raid Leader Alist - DPS Lead Battle Rez decisions are made by Shojobeat Bloodlust Call is made by Alist

Openings: None at this time.

Current expectation of boss order: Tuesday: VOA (when frost boss is here) Weekly Raid ICC

Thursday: ICC TOGC10