LF Waldo

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Revision as of 21:05, 31 March 2010 by Seliindra (talk | contribs)
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LF Waldo

LF Waldo is a 10-man raiding team that has recently finished recruiting. We are a serious raiding teams with less than serious raiding times.



-Arendole | Paladin | Holy

-Mugicman | Priest | Discipline

-Årk | Druid | Restoration


-Cylen | Death Knight | Blood

-Jasko | Warrior | Protection


-Niina | Rogue | Combat

-Nebularion | Death Knight | Unholy

-Dantrock | Shaman | Elemental

-Lumineira | Hunter | Marksmanship


Backup Raiders

-Zki | Druid | Restoration


Obsidian Sanctum

Sartharion the Onyx Guardian -Regular: -Heroic (1): -Heroic (2): -Heroic (3):

Trial of the Crusader

Northrend Beasts -Regular: Downed (1 Attempt) -Heroic:

Lord Jaraxxus -RegTular: Downed (1 Attempt) -Heroic:

Faction Champions -Regular: Downed (1 Attempt) -Heroic:

The Twin Val'kyr -Regular: Downed (1 Attempt) -Heroic:

Anub'Arak -Regular: Downed (1 Attempt) -Heroic:

Icecrown Citadel

The Lower Spire

Lord Marrowgar -Regular: -Heroic:

Lady Deathwhisper -Regular: -Heroic:

Icecrown Gunship Battle -Regular: -Heroic:

Deathbringer Saurfang -Regular: -Heroic:

The Plagueworks

Festergut -Regular: -Heroic:

Rotface -Regular: -Heroic:

Professor Putricide -Regular: -Heroic:

The Royal Quarters

The Blood Prince Council -Regular: -Heroic:

Blood Queen Lana'Thel -Regular: -Heroic:

The Frost Queen's Lair

Valithria Dreamwalker -Regular: -Heroic:

Sindragosa -Regular: -Heroic:

The Frozen Throne

The Lich King -Regular: -Heroic:

Raid Times

Our raid times are as follows:


8:00 PM to 12:00 AM


8:00 PM to 12:00 AM