If Looks Could Kill

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If Looks Could Kill Official Thread

If Looks Could Kill (Si Vultus Could Iuguolo)


Together We Shine (Una Nos Fulsi)

Raid leaders:

Kuboifox, Eade


Above all we emphasize having a good attitude and being team players. At its best, raiding can be a blast. But when pushing the edge, raiding can be a stressful experience. You will be expected keep a positive attitude and endeavor make the team better by being a good team player. During fights keep vent free for the group leaders. If you have a suggestion, whisper it to a raid leader or your team leader. Your team leader may ask to speak with you in a "team chat" channel if you have detailed suggestions or questions. Attitude is number one for this group. You will shine by making others better. Where a loose collection of shining stars would fail, we will succeed as a brilliant team.


The raid leaders are responsible for recruitment, organization, and general team building. Essentially, if it happens before or after a raid, it is our responsibility. If it involves issues of management or organization during the raid, it is our responsibility. Whisper a raid leader for help. The raid leaders are final arbiters and make all final decisions.

Leadership roles:

During a raid three members will have special responsibilities: the tank, healer, and dps team leaders. Team leaders are determined by the raid leaders.

i) The tank leader will have primary responsibility for calling "ready checks" and either reviewing the mechanics of the fight or assigning someone to do so. Tanks will be responsible for their own readiness status. No need for tank leaders to install RBS. Every encounter will have at least a one sentence summary of the mechanics. Raid leaders retain responsibility for the goals of the raid and pacing. An encounter should proceed as follows: Raid leader: "tank leader it's all yours" (this is an indication "downtime" is over)

Tank leader: "Healer leader you ready? DPS leader you ready? Ready check on the way!"

The tank leader is the anchor for the team.

ii) The healing leader will check with the healers to determine their readiness status regularly with RBS. The healing leader will assess the stress levels of his or her healers regularly. The healing leader will be ready to offer suggestions or make healing assignments when queried by the tank leader. The healing leader should whisper a raid leader if they detect personnel problems during the raid (e.g. "hey you may have missed it, but I think Joe has to go"). The healing leader is the emotional leader of the team.

iii) The dps leader will make sure the damage dealers are ready with the addon RBS. The dps leader should install the addon Recount and Omen or Skada and monitor dps and threat throughout the raid. The dps leader should work to manage damage done and threat throughout the raid. The dps leader should work toward being a positive motivational force for the damage dealers. The dps leader is the motivational leader of the team.

Team members: The final responsibility of raid performance and functioning falls to the raid leaders.

If you've noticed something that people are doing which is causing problems, whisper it to the raid leader and let them address it. They will pass it along to a team leader if necessary.

Team leaders and members:

Please remember that attitude and teamwork is priority for this team. Your performing five times better than your teammates will not be as valued as you helping your teammates perform as well as you (even if that means you do not shine as brightly as you could). Remember that as a team we can accomplish more.

Vent management:

During an encounter the team leaders have vent priority.

Between encounters the team leaders have vent priority.

If you have a suggestion whisper it to your team leader and/or a raid leader.

If you have a suggestion for a member of a team for which you do not belong, whisper it to a raid leader.

After an encounter is accomplished and when moving between an encounter is downtime.

Downtime is "fun time" and there's plenty of downtime in any raid, so rejoice.

During an encounter and between encounters (i.e. after a fail and before a retry) let the team leaders have vent.

Team membership:

Confirmed individuals have attended regularly and will be invited to join the raid group up to ten minutes after scheduled start time.

At scheduled start time individuals with preferred status will have the opportunity to be invited to "join raid" as prioritized below (top to bottom) allowing slots to remain open for confirmed members. After ten minutes have elapsed, recruited and preferred members will be invited up to capacity (possibly bumping confirmed members for that raid). After fifteen minutes open recruitment will begin for open slots. Open recruitment will be conducted exclusively by the raid leaders. As a team leader be prepared to assist the raid leaders if holes exist in your team. If you must, you may consider confirmed positions as permanent, but we should understand that our statuses may change depending on our real lives. You may request your status to be upgraded or downgraded at any time. Just let a raid leader know. Your status and priority as a member may change/rise and fall with attendance, preparedness, seniority, role requirements, attitude etc. Our goals as raid leaders are to create the most stable team possible while giving the most folks a chance to play. If you attend and contribute to the goals of the raid team within our philosophy, you should consider that you have found a "permanent" home.

If you cannot run, we need you to post letting us know (reason not needed).[ http://forum.myextralife.com/topic/31564-if-looks-could-kill-%EF%BF%BDofficial-thread%EF%BF%BD/] Confirmed status will be maintained by either running or letting us know at least one hour in advance you will be absent. Preffered status may be upgraded to confirmed by regular attendance and/or status posting on your part. You MUST include the name of your toon in your post to be guaranteed that we will recognize who you are.

Please see the first page of our official thread for the very latest team composition.


Tiglathashur ([b]Tank Leader[/b], Paladin) CONFIRMED

PuppyPelt (Tank, Warrior) CONFIRMED


Wolfshayde ([b]Heal Leader[/b], Druid) CONFIRMED

Kuboifox (Raid Leader, Shaman) UNKNOWN

Eade (Raid Leader, Paladin) CONFIRMED


Thunderhoss ([b]DPS Leader[/b], Shaman) CONFIRMED

Droq (DPS; Warrior) CONFIRMED

Feydd/Cannabinal (DPS, Priest) CONFIRMED

Vandilclaw (DPS, Hunter) PREFERRED

OPEN (Ginro/Loktassa as available)





Sosin (Heals, Druid) PREFERRED

Tyrelin (Tank, Paladin) PREFERRED

Robinhud (DPS, Hunter) PREFERRED

Magnand (DPS, Warlock) PREFERRED

Aeonstar (DPS/Tank, Paladin) PREFERRED

Vanterax (DPS, Mage) PREFERRED

This structure should allow us to have the most fun while also accomplishing the most. If you have policy suggestions please contact a raid leader directly via private message on this board or via in-game whisper or vent.

Your raid leaders,

Kuboifox and Eade