Fly You Fools

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Revision as of 02:42, 12 May 2010 by Vortigon (talk | contribs) (Fly You Fools 10-man raid team)
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A new 10-man raid team has been formed called "Fly You Fools". It is a casual, friendly group running only 2 nights a week, Friday night 10:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. server time, and Saturday night 9:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. server time. These times may change slightly depending on members input.

Mods we would like everyone to have are: Omen, Deadly Boss Mods, and we will be using Vent for communications (please keep it clean, no profanity).

Loot distribution will be highest roll, Main spec first, then off spec, main spec being what you come into the raid as. IE: if you come to the raid as dps but are asked to heal for a certain fight, your main spec is still dps.

Here is our roster so far:

Tanks Xinn-Paladin Vegetarrian-Warrior

DPS Ranged Aurazz-Druid Callynn-Hunter Sytheripper-Warlock

Healers Érrtu-Shaman Pauzotah-Priest

Alternates Vortigon-Mage

If you are interested in joining us, or have questions, please leave a post in the forums or contact any of us in-game.
