EVE:Our Corporation

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Divisions and Structure


The overlord and dictator of AIEU, he is usually struggling with check boxes and trying not to accidentally disband the corporation. In addition to his roles as CEO, our leader acts as the chief diplomat and communications director for AIEU, as well as having his hand in just about every other division except IT (he really knows nothing about code and coding). In his free time, he is pursuing an agenda of "Nerf Diplomacy, Buff War."


This is the combat and defense arm of AIEU. The primary focus of the defense force is the protection of corporate and alliance industrial and sovereignty assets. We also maintain an active interest in stealth, black ops, and wormhole operations.


The Director of IT is responsible for all sorts of check boxes and applications for AIEU and the greater AIE community. He also happens to be our elder statesman and resident cynic.


The Mining, Industry, Research, and Commerce (MIRC) division handles all system development, mining, refining, shooting blues, research, and trading activity.


Skylift is the transport logistics branch of AIEU. As a corporation, we provide transport of ships and material for members during alliance deployments. Please read Corporate Deployment for information on how to get your stuff moved.

Emeritus Directors and Officers

The following individuals are people who have formerly held director or officer positions but later regained some semblance of sanity and decided they wanted their lives back. Some of them are active players, many are not. They are listed here for posterity:

  • Audelyn Xiao, Cellistara, Louis Hall, Mathan Ugg, Neral Stark, Orsalis Cain, Second Aid, Sophillea, tukucommin, Uhtred Wyrd, Warak Soal, Wolfglen

Previous CEOs


See also: Unified Policy

EVE Policies align closely with the Unified Policies of the Alea Iacta Est Gaming Community. They can be found in their entirety EVE Corporation Policies EVE Corporation Policies


See also: The Timeline of AIEU

Alea Iacta Est Universal [AIEU] was founded on 16 July 2010. We were initially based in Scheenins in the Verge Vendor region of Gallente space, and we briefly held a system in Cloud Ring and cut our nullsec teeth with TEST Alliance Please Ignore [TEST]. Over the next several years we merrily wandered all over New Eden, usually blundering into chaos in the process. On 17 December 2013, we joined Brave Collective [BRAVE], some of whom had initially confused us with the good folks over at EX-F (however: our name isn’t French, it’s Latin).

Prior to EVE Online, Alea Iacta Est was founded in World of Warcraft in February 2007 by the creators and fans of several popular podcasts such as The Instance and Buzz Out Loud. The guild presently has over 9000 members and 11-co guilds on Earthen Ring-US, and in subsequent years spread out to most other major MMOs and now forms the Alea Iacta Est Gaming Community. We maintain a close relationship with the Frogpants Network and our official forums can be found on the MyExtraLife website here.

As AIE was formed from several podcasting communities and fans, it comes as little surprise that members of AIEU started podcasting about their experiences in EVE, and AIEU is now also the community corporation for the Cap Stable podcast, for better and worse.


AIEU exists primarily as a PVP corporation causing mayhem and destruction of the variety that usually involves us losing our ships more often than our enemies. However, we do have a growing industrial wing, and free frigate cache for all members. Chiefly, however, our purpose is not defined by what we do in the game, but in who we are and how we do it. In the words of our benevolent overlord Stigg:

“The mission of Alea Iacta Est Universal is to provide a balanced set of combat and industrial opportunities within New Eden for the members of the Alea Iacta Est and ExtraLife communities. Toward this end we will foster an environment of mutual respect, courtesy, and an understanding that a lack of experience does not imply a lack of aptitude.”


See also: EVE Online: Joining

Since joining BRAVE, the current directorate has finally subverted the last vestiges of keeping standards. Admission into AIEU is open to any player over 18 years of age, and is a good fit for players whose play schedules take a back seat to family or work priorities. Skillpoint requirements and killboard statistics are not needed or wanted here, merely a willingness to have fun.


Drewson Houten, Kuda Timberline, Lanctharus Onzo, Razhoff Darksand, Stigg Cooperii, and StupidGenius Charante.

We can be reached at officers@aie-universal.com