EVE:Alea Iacta Est Universal

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Corp Name: Alea Iacta Est Universal

Corp Ticker: AIEU

AIEU is the original AIE EVE corp with a long history that includes game changing fleet battles and campaigns along with small gang interactions that won't be forgotten. AIEU is the "null sec" entity of AIE in space. We are a part of a massive, well known alliance, Test Alliance, Please Ignore or [TEST]. If stories of espionage, politics and the rise and fall of EVE superpowers excites you, this is where you want to be. As a member of TEST, AIEU partakes in everything from huge fleet battles that change the face of the EVE map to small gang roams.

Although PvP is a part of everyday nullsec life, you can still mine, partake in industry, rat or do whatever it is you like to do. If you are smart and learn the tricks of the trade you can stay relatively safe in 0.0 space and avoid trouble if it comes looking for you. In fact in an alliance, 0.0 space is in many ways safer than some other parts of space due to the large number of allied people around you. So don’t be afraid to become a part of EVE, a part of our alliance, and a part of AIEU. We’d love to have you.