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*It is expected that all members will fully repair their gear prior to raid to avoid unnecessary repair interruptions during raid.
*It is expected that all members will fully repair their gear prior to raid to avoid unnecessary repair interruptions during raid.

Due to the changes in the new expansion it is possible that several iterations of optimization may need to happen before the dust settles.
Due to the changes in the new expansion it is possible that several iterations of optimization may need to happen before the dust settles.

Revision as of 20:29, 12 September 2016

Ooka Hozen Style has rebranded as Deja Noobs!

We are a casual, yet serious raiding team. We are all members of Alea Iacta Est on Earthen Ring. We are a group dedicated to seeing content at our own pace, and enjoying each others company while doing so.

We live by the wise words of the Hozen: "A slicky in hand is worth two in the dooker."


Forum Page:


Raid Schedule

Tuesday: 9:30pm - 11:30pm EST
Thursday: 9:30pm - 11:30pm EST

Raid Requirements


  • Members are expected to maintain an iLvl appropriate set of gear for the spec that they are raiding in.
  • If you are unsure of how to optimize your gear, use a resource like AskMrRobot to help you optimize.
  • It is expected that all members will fully repair their gear prior to raid to avoid unnecessary repair interruptions during raid.

---DISCLAIMER--- Due to the changes in the new expansion it is possible that several iterations of optimization may need to happen before the dust settles.



  • Deadly Boss Mods


  • Omen/Skada

In-Game Items

  • Flasks/Potions/Buff Food


  • Discord/Microphone

Other requirements

  • Videos for the upcoming fights need to be watched'. Only brief summaries of the fights will be given during raid time. If you are continually negligent on this, you will be replaced. We do not have the time to go into detailed explanations of each fight before each encounter.

Raid Progression Summary

Warlords of Draenor
Hellfire Citadel (Heroic) 10/13
Hellfire Citadel 13/13
Highmaul 7/7

Mists of Pandaria
Siege of Orgrimmar (Flex) 14/14
Throne of Thunder 2/12
Terrace of Endless Spring 4/4
Heart of Fear 4/6
Mogu'shan Vaults 6/6

Dragon Soul 8/8 (Heroic 1/8)
Firelands 6/7
BoT/BWD/To4W 12/12

Wrath of the Lich King
ICC 12/12
ToC 5/5
Ulduar 13/13
Naxx 15/15

Current Raid Progress

Tier Raid Boss Kill
18 Hellfire Citadel Hellfire Assault Yes
Iron Reaver Yes
Kormrok Yes
Hellfire High Council Yes
Killrogg Yes
Gorefiend Yes
Shadowlord Iskar Yes
Socrethar the Eternal Yes
Tyrant Vehlari Yes
Xhul'horac Yes
Zakuun Yes
Mannoroth Yes
Archimonde Yes

Tier Raid Boss Kill
18 Hellfire Citadel
Hellfire Assault Yes
Iron Reaver Yes
Kormrok Yes
Hellfire High Council Yes
Killrogg Yes
Gorefiend Yes
Shadowlord Iskar No
Socrethar the Eternal Yes
Tyrant Vehlari Yes
Xhul'horac Yes
Zakuun Yes
Mannoroth Yes
Archimonde Yes