A Series of Unfortunate Wipes

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Revision as of 02:26, 15 May 2010 by Vesi (talk | contribs)
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We are a 10 man progression raid team founded by Karkaros the Fissure Master. Initially a tattered lot of vagabonds, we held our inaugural run on the 24th of April 2010 and ended our transient ways at last. The majority of the group started playing near the launch of TBC, yet, even though we are nearing the end of WoTLK, few of us had ever seen the inside of an ICC raid. Our goal for the present is gear and experience, but we plan to be in ICC by June or July.


Friday & Saturday

11P-3A server time

Invites: 10:45P

Current Content: Ulduar

Past Content: Naxxramas, Onyxia's Lair, Obsidian Sanctum


Subject to Change


Loot is currently distributed via Master Looter. We plan to employ Suicide Kings once we move to higher content.


We appreciate forewarning via a forum post or a PM to either Karkaros or Vesi in game so that we can find alternates prior to the raid. Extended unexplained absences are subject to worrying the team sick and getting you replaced.

Tardiness and Early Departure:

Once again, some forewarning is very helpful for finding replacements for the appropriate period of time. If you arrive after the invite period without forewarning, your spot may be filled and we will not kick your alternate.


You are expected to know your class well and are encouraged to look at announced content prior to the encounters.

Strategies are always gone over in vent prior to a fight and all members are encouraged to contribute.


Have fun. Do not be afraid to laugh at a well performed wipe, just be sure that there is courtesy under your boisterous laughter.

Vent During Fights:

Long winded conversations about how much you lurv hot dogs are rarely acceptable. The exception here would be a fight where we are battling condiments and a friendly NPC actually is a hot dog.

You may be asked to call out under specific circumstances. If you do not wish to speak on vent, you may be asked to use an in game macro that effectively does the same thing in text.

If you are doing a unique and vital job during a fight (such as CCing specific bosses or mobs) and you die, you should call out or use a macro so that the raid can react accordingly.

At times, several people may be assigned to making calls over vent. If you are not one of those people, you should make sure your contribution is pertinent to our success before "pushing to talk(interrupt)".


Is a section Karkaros will write; it confuses me.

The AIE Raid Wrapup:

We will be making occasional submissions to this podcast. If you don't want your antics shared with the AIE community at large, you must say so on the forums, so we can keep your name hushed when we list off the team members who stood in the stupid.