AIE Nomads

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Revision as of 17:09, 14 January 2014 by Hahbgoblin (talk | contribs) (→‎Polls:)
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Nomad no·mad noun \ˈnō-ˌmad, British also ˈnä-\

a member of a group of people who move from place to place instead of living in one place all the time

1 a member of a people who have no fixed residence but move from place to place usually seasonally and within a well-defined territory

2 an individual who roams about — nomad adjective — no·mad·ism noun 1


Mission Statement:

Alea Iacta Est Nomads provides a framework for AIE gamers who prefer a "change of scenery" gaming habit to enjoy those games together.

About Nomads:

AIE Nomads was born from an idea posted on the forums in December 2013 2. It attempts to address the evolving gaming habits of players who are hopping from game to game, due in part to the incredible amount of good gaming content readily available. It addresses the problem that some of our AIE guilds have been lacking in attendance because people have been spread thin. By moving the focus from the game, and instead to the group, we strengthen the AIE social experience.

Some of the side benefits realized in this model are:

- It brings AIE life to the game while the Nomads are there. The "regulars" meet new friends or perhaps level that alt they've always wanted to with other AIE'ers.

- The group levels characters while they are in a game. Making it easier to have a max level character when new content drops.

As we are an AIE group, our values and goals align with the overarching AIE which is to enjoying game content in a family-friendly environment built on mutual courtesy and respect.

As of January 2014 the group is in it's infant stages and brainstorming the way forward. I encourage everyone to read the forums and participate in the conversation. Most importantly, this group will not succeed unless you the reader (yes you!) attend and participate.

Roam Schedule:

For the Month of January attendance will be of a more informal type. We will mostly play/explore minor league games, fleshing out how we want to move forward, enjoy our a favorite beverages (optional) and just having some fun. In February we will begin to delve into the established AIE games.

Changes to the schedule will be announced on twitter under @AIENomads

Past Roams:

January 5, 2014 Warframe Initial meetup - Fun was had in Warframe! Thanks to Durus for showing us the ropes and connecting our noob butts with the AIE clan!

January 8, 2014 Cards Against Humanity - A lot of good discussion was had about how we schedule ourselves going forward. From it was born a poll for people to chime in on. Have look.


Initial AIE Nomads Poll - If you are remotely interested in Nomads we are interested in your feedback! What do you want to see out of this?

General feedback questions, concerns, and lots of money (I kid!) can be sent to :