AIE Instance School/Instructors

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Information   Instructors    

Place holder

Mazrith/Cyrashin - Hunter and Warrior Dps instructor.

Greca - Basics Instructor (Specialization: teaching, Rogue)(office Hours: Mondays and Thursdays: 10pm-12:30am server)

Houyi - (Specialization: Theorycrafting, Hunter)(Office Hours: Tuesdays 3pm-9pm server, Wednesdays 2pm-7pm server)

Kichelle - Basics/Tanking/Social (Feral Druid)

Abovan (Resto and Balance Druid)

Place holder

Houyi (Spec Hunter)
Greca (Spec Rogue)
Name (Spec Class)
Name (Spec Class)

Ludanne (Holy Paladin) AIE Instance School/Instructors/Ludanne
Deciorcsha (Restoration Shaman)
Name (Spec Class)

Kichelle (Feral Druid)
Grimcairn (Protection Warrior)
Name (Spec Class)

Logos for Instructors


TANK-75.png TANK-150.png TANK-320.png


HEAL-75.png HEAL-150.png HEAL-320.png


DPS-75.png DPS-150.png DPS-320.png

School Philosophy

The goal of the AIE Instance School is to:
Provide guildies with the knowledge and experience that allows them and their party members to have fun in instances.



Class size: 25
Level requirement: none
Instructors: 2 tagteaming, or 1 main and 1 moderating (moderator handles technical questions, watches chat, and decides which questions to answer with whispers and which to hand to the instructor)
Time: 45 minutes
Location: outside of an instance

Attendees will learn:

  • What an instance is
  • What a party is
  • What a raid is
  • What a healer is
  • What a tank is
  • What dps is
  • What aggro is
  • What classes can heal
  • What classes can tank
  • What classes can dps
  • Which classes can have multiple roles
  • How to find a group
  • What a summoning stone is
  • How to handle a jerk
  • What to do if you die
  • What loot is
  • What BOE and BOP are
  • When to Need, Greed, or Disenchant
  • That there are different ways to handle loot
  • Why to use vent
  • What addons will be expected in other instance school classes
  • Etiquette for contacting instructors
  • How to sign up for a class

Optional additional topics:

  • How to get feedback on your new 80's specs and gear (things like elitist jerks)
  • Where to research instances so you're not going in blind


  • mob:
  • pat: Short for 'patrol'; a wandering hostile NPC enemy. Any party member may announce 'pat' to alert the other party members that an enemy or enemies are approaching so the tank can prepare to grab its aggro before anyone else does
  • aggro: The attraction of an enemy's attention or focus. This can happen a number of ways, a couple of common ones are:
1 - When an unengaged hostile enemy enters within a certain range of a player, that enemy will attack a player. This range varies based on the target's level.
2 - When a player performs an offensive action (such as an attack or spellcast) on an unengaged target, that target will normally attack that player.
  • threat: Threat is basically a measure of how much attention an NPC enemy is paying to you. This can be manipulated in various ways including the following:
Directly attacking an enemy in melee range. This generates the most threat outside of spells and abilities.
Directly attacking an enemy at a distance (ranged attacks and spells) - this causes the second most threat outside of spells and abilities.
Healing a target that has threat on an enemy. This will earn the healer some threat as well. In almost all scenarios, healing does not cause enough threat to pull aggro from a tank that has control of an enemy, but it should be
noted that healing and causing helpful spells does in fact generate threat.
  • NPC: Non-Player Character; these can be friendly (Green text name), neutral (Yellow text name, in different shades) or hostile (Red text name). Common NPCs include innkeepers, auctioneers, bankers, quest givers, etc.

Instance 102

Class size: 2 (or 3) students, each of a different role
Level requirement: ???
Instructors: 2 (or 3). The two main instructors will be of the same role, and have experience in the same spec, as each of the two main students. The fifth spot is for an instructor or student who is learning by observing or assisting. The two main instructors may play their main specs to demonstrate, but will mostly play offspec to teach. Students learn by doing.
Time: 1-1.5 hours
Location: an instance

Students will learn:

  • What aggro is and who is responsible for the tank keeping it (hint: every party member is equally responsible)
  • Where the tank should be
  • Where the healer should be
  • Where casters should be
  • Where melee should be
  • How to tell you're standing in stupid
  • What crowd control is
  • What raid icons are and their standard meanings

Tanks will learn:

  • Techniques for building aggro
  • Where to stand
  • How to pull
  • How to care for your healer
  • How to communicate with the group
  • What kinds of crowd control are available, what kinds of mobs they are effective on, and when to ask for them (please don't let that caster in the corner kill your healer)
  • When to mark

DPS and Healers will learn:

  • What talents your class has for reducing threat
  • What talents your class has for crowd control
  • How to avoid the special ways your class accidentally wipes a group (pets taking the long way, stealth being seen through by dogs, etc)
  • When it's okay to start healing or dps'ing
  • When AOE is a bad idea

Instructor Tips

Starting class:
Plan to be early in order to be as on time as possible. Expect that someone will arrive late. Expect technical problems.

While waiting for people who are late or are resolving technical issues, ask those who are present to do something that will help you teach them. This way their time is not being wasted by the person who is late. These things can include talking to each other to come up with questions, reading over the class description for reminders of what will be covered, bookmarking and/or watching some videos that will inspire questions now and help reinforce points later--these are just some examples, please share additional ideas.

Once everyone is there, briefly introduce yourself including your role and your experience. Briefly describe what the class will cover. Aim for a max of 5 minutes. The class is not about you :D

Ask the students to introduce themselves. For efficiency of time, this will probably work best if you cue each person, or have them roll to determine introduction order. Ask them to share their name, class, and what they want to make sure the class covers. Write that down, and when you cover it, ask that person specifically if they feel their question has been answered.

Ask questions:
Ask questions. Wait for answers. Be silent and count to 30 while you wait. What feels like forever of waiting to you is a millisecond to someone who is trying to phrase a question, or to someone whose lag only just got your question to them.

Do stuff:
At least every 5 minutes, stop for questions, ask for feedback from the students, demonstrate something, or ask students to demonstrate something. Ask students to type '1' if they feel confident about something you just explained, and '2' if they aren't ready to move on.

Good questions to ask:

  • How did that feel?
  • What went well?
  • What would you like to do better next time?

Take a break:
After about 1/2 hour, consider taking a break. Specify what server time to return by. Let parents take care of their kids, get yourself a fresh glass of water, etc.