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Revision as of 21:41, 1 October 2009 by Slaghed (talk | contribs) (→‎News)
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This raid page is in-progress, so take nothing here at face value until this notice is removed!


Everybody Loves My Overheals (ELMO) is a 25-man WotLK-content raid group. We are a group of fun people and heavy-hitting raiders. Our current focus is on progression through 25-man Ulduar and 25-man ToC. We run Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday nights, from 9:30pm to 11:30ish pm server time.


While we enjoy running with new, fun-to-be-with players, our emphasis is on progression through 25-man Ulduar. If your gear or lack of experience is causing a significant dent to progression, we will ask you to find another role or a different raid group until you know the fights better and/or have the gear you need. Tank survivability, healer longevity, and hard-hitting dps are a must for ELMO raiders.

Invites will be sent out via the in-game Calender, and team roles will be outlined in weekly forum posts.

In-game invites on raid night will start at 9:15pm server time. Due to our short, 2-hour raiding window, we ask that all raid members be online and ready to enter the instance by 9:30pm server time. This includes being in vent with us and having all gear/flasks/reagents/etc. you will need on your person.


ELMO has its own Vent server. Server info will be given out before the raid starts. If you don't have a working mic, please join us in vent so you can still hear strategy explanations and vital information during boss encounters. And get a mic. Seriously, they're like 5 bucks.

Please be respectful of the group while in vent - this means keeping distractions and chatter to a minimum during encounters and strategy sessions.

We will continue to allow the use of music bots, and we remind all raid members that these can be easily muted on your own end. We do, however, ask that the bot owner respect the wishes of the team in regards to content and volume. Raid leaders reserve the right to kick any music bot that causes too much distraction to the group.


  • 9 September, 2009

ELMO Downed the Faction Champs!

  • First Day Ony was up, ELMO Downed her
  • 8 July, 2009

We one-shotted Flame, Razorscale, XT, and Kologarn. Hopefully next time I'll think to take screenshots!