Ileots Raid Group/Membership

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ILEOTS members enjoy raiding as much as they enjoy the presence of each other. The social dynamic of the raid is an important factor when considering new team members. As a raid team, we do our best to exemplify the general culture and spirit of AIE within our unit.

We are always recruiting standby members. If you are interested in our schedule, please PM [1] on the forums.

Trial period

All potential members are given an entry trial period to display their abilities. This gives core members a chance to work with them in a team setting. Players are evaluated based on class-specific skills, communication & overall 'teamship'.

Standby members

If you are interested in a standby role in ILEOTS, you may not see raid-time immediately, but please be patient. If you recieve a calendar invite, please 'accept' the invitation. Once accpeted, you will be placed in the 'standby' category. If you have accepted an invite, but do not show for the raid event in question, you will be removed from the standby list. We frequently need fill-ins for our raids, so keep this in mind if you are interested in this role.

We are currently progressing through Cataclysm content, so all players, both permanent and standby, are expected to have appropriate gear levels. Please check your suggested raid level using Wow Heroes.

Group channel

If you are raiding with this group, please use join the raiding channel. This makes group organization much easier and allows for mass notification, should the raid be cancelled for any reason.

  1. /join ILEOTS

should you need to leave the channel

  1. /leave ILEOTS