GW2:Main Page
Welcome to AIE!
If you are new to Alea Iacta Est (AIE), we welcome you to the community. If you have played with AIE in another game, we're glad you've chosen to try out Guild Wars 2.
AIE is not just a Guild Wars 2 guild. It is a gaming community composed of thousands of members and spanning multiple multi-player, online games. We started as a World of Warcraft guild formed by the fans of The Instance podcast in February of 2007. Since then, we've grown into several other games and we continue to grow.
First Steps
The AIE Forums
Take a moment to register on our forums. The forums are one of the primary ways we communicate as a guild and as a community. It is where important announcements are made and where team activities are coordinated.
It may seem strange to some that we don't have forums dedicated to AIE, but share them with the larger Frogpants and ExtraLife crowd. But community is our focus and that's the community what spawned us. We get much more from these forums than we would from independent ones.
Read the Guild Policy
Take a few minutes and make sure you understand the guild policies. You don't need to memorize them, but as a member you are expected to be familiar with them.
We have a 400-client Ventrilo server that is shared by the whole community. You can log in and chat with other AIE members regardless of what game you're playing or wheether you're even playing a game.
Please read the wiki pages for Ventrilo Setup and Ventrilo Normalization to get started. The password for the server is available to all members as a restricted bulletin that is displayed when you log in to UMAMI.
Any channels on the server marked with DND (Do Not Disturb) should only be joined if the group using the channel has invited you to join them. Any other channels are open and you should feel free to jump in, but please be mindful of whether a channel is devoted to a specific game. The Loung channels have no specific topic.
Representing the Guild
This is purely a Guild Wars 2 game mechanic. In order to access guild chat, guild storage, guild buffs and to contribute to the guild influence you must be representing the guild.
You can set your representation by hitting the G key in game to bring up the guild window. If you select Alea Iacta Est Xiphos (AIEx) as the guild and see this at the bottom you need to set your representation.
Click on the Represent button and you should see it change to this.