Weekend Warriors
Introduction | Progression | Recruiting Information | Videos |
Warruzz - Group Leader
Weekend Warriors is a 10-Man(currently) raiding team that raids on Weekend Mornings.
Raid Times
Saturday 10am-1pm EST
Sunday 10am-1pm EST
Current Roster
MT- Warruzz-Paladin-Prot
DPS/Tank- Lìl- DK -Frost
DPS-Supaflytnt- Rogue- Combat
RDPS-Fosh-Hunter- Marks
RDPS- Røci-Priest-Shadow
Healer- Khaebil-Priest-Holy
Who We Are
Weekend Warriors is a fresh group being formed to start raiding Dragon Soul who like to have fun while raiding, joke around, be able to take criticism ,and work towards goals,
Loot Rules
Mutual Understanding: Distribute loot for the betterment of the group and to spread the wealth where no "Master" is needed for loot.
As a Backup if needed we will switch to Suicide Kings
Raiding Requirements
1) Flasks and Food are Required
2) Look up fights before hand before the raid begins at least 1 boss ahead.
3) Invites go out at 9:45am
4) Communication. Speak up if you see a way to improve the raid. If you don't know a fight it is ok to ask for a boss strat. We can't fix what we don't know is broken. So if something is bothering you or you think some things need to changed please give voice to that. Any group (raiding or otherwise) can only succeed if we are all on the same page.
5) Fun
Required Add-Ons
Deadly Boss Mods
Omen Threat Meter