Drunk with Power
Who We Are
Raid Dad
- Gondry
- Healer
Raid Mum
- Tarqq
- Tank/DPS
If you are not yet on the list or are on the list and don't want to be send Kalisynth a mail ingame.
No longer is DwP just a raiding group, it is evolving into a Cause! A Cause you say? The Cause is to help AIE guildies at 70 find their way and lead them into a direction that will enable them to seek and attain new content!!! Oh ya... it's Kara time boys and girls!
Raid Rules
AIE Rules of Conduct
Loot Rules
Master Looter(Need before Greed)
Raid Times
Wednesday to Saturday 1:30 Am Server (so technically Thursday to Sunday)
The first night, the idea is to clear as much as possible, and the next nights is to continue the progress, HOWEVER only 1 day will be spent trying a single boss, if the previous night and the full day does not result in a succession of the bosses, the rest of the schedule will be devoted to heroics.
Other Info
Be Imba! gear evaluator tool is right here!
If you have any further questions please feel free to whisper Gondry.