Undercity Debt Collectors
Introduction | Team | Progression | Screenshots | Misc |
About us
We are a group of people who are all about collecting debts, and those raid bosses are past due! (Okay that was a baaad joke.)
We are a more causal raiding group of people who are just interested in seeing the content, downing the bosses and having fun while doing it. Drinks are mandatory for raid times as is a good sense of fun!
Where and When
UDC runs on Friday and Saturday Nights, midnight - 2:30 am server time. We are currently running Bastion of Twilight, Baradin Hold, and Blackwing Decent.
Our Team
Tanks: Alachaas (Raid Leader), Puppypelt
Healers: Zarindra (Raid Leader), Kregal, Zodrageous
DPS: Lanctharus, Prankess, Thraxxis, Bolverkr, Huntsthewind, Zarceph
Dribbler, Kallian, Tooantah, Orzarin, Zodder, Xanar, Beira, Atriana, Tintlet, Tatsukiiz
Loot master with open rolls. Main spec, then off spec for priority. UDC plays with the 'Aces Wild' System, meaning if you roll a 1, you are the winner!
The Gufoni martyr loot system comes heavily into play when deciding who actually ends up with the gear after rolls are finished.
You get one tier token until everyone has one then it is open rolls for the second piece.
Cataclysm dropped! Seriously though we are looking for people willing to be considered alts/join our alt pool. We are currently short on healers and ranged DPS to address some imbalances that we are struggling with in game due to the new cataclysm mechanics.
Forum Link