The Game is Afoot

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Revision as of 04:22, 11 September 2011 by Verethrine (talk | contribs) (→‎News)
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Welcome to the AIE Wiki page for <To The Pain>!


Monday 8:30 - 11:30 Server Wednesday 8:30 - 11 server Saturday 7:30 - 11:30 server


Loot Master w/ Loot Council if there is a discrepancy.

BoEs... Ah, the lovely BoEs... When an Epic BoE drops:

   If you can use it on your main spec, you get first priority.
   Next priority goes to your off-spec if you are currently willing to use it in our raiding environment. Otherwise, we would like you to count your off-spec as your
   alternate character which would be next on the list to receive the loot. I think it's only fair that each of us pick one (1) alt to roll on BoEs for and keep that alt unless something seriously changes and you have an alt you decide to raid with more. Once your selected alt gets all the Epic BoE items in the raid, feel free to change to another alt, just know that someone else's original alt will have priority over your second.

All of the above bids are subject to Loot Council and not an open /roll, though we will bid on an item by /roll in the case where it is an equal argument for both parties, the one with the higher roll gets the loot.

   If no one rolls for the loot, we all /roll to vendor it. If someone wants it for an alt other than the one they've chosen in the scenario mentioned above, feel free to whisper the person and offer to purchase it. If Crazytree wins it, you'll probably get a great deal! Posted Image The person who won it is under no obligation to sell it to the other raid member and can politely tell them to check the AH after the raid.