Thursday Night Fights

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Revision as of 07:29, 5 November 2010 by Musoh (talk | contribs)
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Hail AIE! Our raid team is called <Thursday Night Fights>. Our current goal is to get to know each other over the next couple of weeks in ICC, but our long term goal is to maintain the raid team for Cataclysm endgame content.

A little about us:
The founding members of the raid team are all adults with real life responsibilities, who like to escape into the raid environment a night a week. We're realistic in our expectations for progress.
We know our classes (we've been playing since launch), and try to keep things light. Gear is fine, but we're really focused on the social side of the raiding, and having a good time.

Raid Schedule:
Raid time is THURSDAYS 7:00-10:00 server. Raid invites will start 15 minutes prior to the raid.

Current Raid Roster:


  1. Enby (Warrior)
  2. Musoh (Death Knight) - Raid Leader


  1. Suntao (Priest)
  2. Tobernagalt (Druid)
  3. Garmm (Shaman)

Ranged DPS:

  1. Archoth (Mage)
  2. Winterwinds (Mage)
  3. Irkzul (Hunter)

Melee DPS:

  1. Sways (Shaman)
  2. Vhaine (Paladin)

Standby Members:

  1. Reeya (Warlock)
  2. Sðnny (Death Knight)
  3. Traakar (Hunter)
  4. Qyburn (Priest)

Required Add-ons:
The only addon we require is Deadly Boss Mods. Omen is recommended for DPS, but not required.

Loot Rules:
A Master Looter will handle the distribution of all loot. One 'Need' roll on main spec gear (based on your role in that raid) per dungeon. Rolls on any other gear will be treated as 'Greed' rolls. There is no limit to greed rolls per dungeon.

Basic Raid Strat Philosophy: (mainly for Cataclysm)
While we obviously can't prohibit the use of tankspot or other informational sites for raid content, we would like to try to learn raids "blind". We feel a sense of fun and accomplishment are the most important aspects of raiding, and that a team atmosphere & sense of accomplishment can best be felt from a raid team created strategy.

Calendar Sign-ups:
Members should sign up as either ACCEPTED or DECLINED. All standby raid team members will be listed as STANDBY by the raid leaders. If you are listed as STANDBY but are unable to attend, please switch your status to DECLINED. Team members are expected to be on by 6:45 server for invites. Standby members will be notified if they are needed or not by 7:00 server.

Current Recruitment Status:
Recruitment for our main raid team is closed. However, we are still recruiting all roles for our raid team standby list. If our list were to grow to sufficient size, we would at that time consider splitting to a second raid team and/or form a 25 man team.

Thank you for your interest in <Thursday Night Fights>! Check out our official forum thread, or feel free to contact either Archoth or myself in game if you have any questions.
