To Be Decided Raid Group/Members

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Revision as of 02:20, 27 July 2010 by Kilo2436 (talk | contribs)
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If you would like to raid with To Be Decided

Since we only raid 2 days a week (currently Sat and Sun) and only 2 hours a night on those days we expect quick wipe recovery and no AFK's during the raids, especially before boss encounters. (We know life happens, if you need to AFK please lets someone know, and try to keep it quick.)

We ask that you have ICC 10 experience, understand raiding, and that your gear be up to the challenges you will face in ICC/ToGC. This usually means most of your T9.5 with ilvl 245 + in most of your gear slots.

Current To Be Decided Roster/Core Team

