Icecrown Citidal
The Lower Spire
Lord Marrowgar (DOWN)
Lady Deathwhisper (DOWN
Gunship Battle (DOWN)
Deathbringer Saurfang (DOWN)
The Plagueworks
Festergut (DOWN)
Rotface (DOWN)
Professor Putricide (DOWN)
The Crimson Hall
Blood Prince Council (DOWN)
Blood-Queen Lana'thel
Frostwing Halls
Valithria Dreamwalker
The Frozen Throne
The Lich King
Crusaders' Coliseum
Trial of the Crusader
Northrend Beasts (DOWN)
Lord Jaraxxus (DOWN)
Faction Champions (DOWN)
Twin Val'kyr: Fjola & Eydis (DOWN)
Anub'arak (DOWN)
Trial of the Grand Crusader
Northrend Beasts
Lord Jaraxxus
Faction Champions
Twin Val'kyr: Fjola & Eydis