Raiders of the Lost Orc
News | Roster | Progression | Requirements |
NEWS & Recruitment
- Recruiting Closed For Main Team-
- Recruiting Open for Alternates-
So 4.2 hits and we downed Cho'Gall and Nefarian! Great job everyone learning the Nef strat so quickly! So RotLO stepped into Firelands right after the Nef kill to get our feet wet. No trash drops but we took 2 stabs at Beth'tilac so we can start learning what we need to do. Great job everyone!
Raid Dates and Times
Raiding has begun! We will continue every Wednesday and Sunday at 7:45 and end at around 10:30 ~ 11:00.
Joining the Team
If you are interested in joining please post to our thread in the Raid forum and/or message Ruprecht or Brindain in-game. To make sure there is synergy with potential new team members we will run 2 heroics together on one of our scheduled raid nights, or an off-nigtht if we can organize 4-ROTLO members to be online.
Vent is required and we'd like you to be on for your run.
Please see the Requirements tab for Raid member requirements for your character and add-ons.