Insane Horde Posse

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Revision as of 16:06, 6 July 2010 by Maccleoud (talk | contribs)
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Insane Horde Posse
Horde racial traits2.JPG

Insane Horde Posse is a Casually Serious 10 Man Team. You may ask what "Casually Serious" means, and I will tell you. We have a limited raiding schedule, but we are very serious about getting as much quality raiding done in that limited time as possible.

We are about to start our plunge into ICC. We have come a long way from the rag-tag group of misfits that had 25 total Raid Boss Kills amongst the whole group and turned into a tight knit group team.

Raid Schedule

We raid on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:30. 9:00-11:00 is Progression raiding. 11:00-11:30 is weekly raid.

Gear Requirements

We are in ICC. We expect your to have gear appropriate for that content. We measure gear readiness on Wow-heroes.

Raid Requirements

DBM (or something similiar) Threat Meter (omen/skada) Have it up and running. Vent with mic (mic is not a optional item. You don't have to talk alot, but calling for help when needed is a must) Flasks/Pots/Scrolls/special foods (everyone is expected to start bringing flasks and pots appropriate for their class. If you have questions about what are appropriate for your class, ask. THEY ARE A REQUIREMENT)


We are not currently Recruiting for any position.

Loot Rules

We us a Suicide Kings Loot System with Main Spec then Off-spec Priorities. Anything not used is disenchanted and the shards are rolled on. The SK order is kept here for anyone too see at anytime. "SSK worksheet"

Team Members
