Petty Raiders

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Petty Raiders


Made on June 28 of 2010, I am making a group dedicated to ICC10 normal(after that Heroic 10 man, then expansion to ICC25)before Cataclysm. I am seeking people who are serious about downing the Lich King, but also understand that it is just a game and want to have fun.

If you are in anyway interested, Contact Spettyjohn(Eopteryx,Luugrekk)for any questions you have. If you are interested in what spots are available, please scroll down.


  • Good Attitude
  • GearScore of atleast 5100
  • Ventrillo
  • Addons like:
    • Deadly Boss Mods
    • Omen

Raiding Times

All times are according to Server

  • Tuesday: 9PM-12AM
  • Thursday: 9PM-12AM
  • Saturday(If needed) 9PM-12AM

The Team


  • Protection Pally
  • Protection Warrior

-Could use a Druid as an alt-


  • Resto Shaman(Krodrin)
  • Priest


  • Destro Warlock
  • Rogue
  • Hunter
  • Ret Pally
  • Boomkin with healing Off-Spec
  • Death Knight Blood/Unholy(Spettyjohn)

To be...

To be a good member, use must be well informed of the fights. Check out Tankspot here-->[1]

  • Know your class and your roll well.

Loot Rules

  • Roll for what you actually need
  • Be curteous to other people
  • Roll for Off-Spec if no one else rolls
  • We will use DKP's when get a stable raiding group