Team B Roster

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Revision as of 08:50, 30 August 2009 by Verethrine (talk | contribs) (→‎Tank)
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We are beginning to recruit. Team B is still looking for three DPS. If you are interested, please, either send a message in game to Verethrine or PM him on the forums; or you can look us up on the forum thread and sign up for any of the teams that are currently recruiting. [1] Also, if you have your main on the server, please consider not signing up as leveling in only instances you run a few time a week isn't as quick as questing.

Current Roster


  • Vered (Feral Druid) (Verethrine)


  • Nymphandora (Delerine)


  • Cursei (warlock) (Stormfaye)
  • ---
  • ---


  • Stormfaye (Hunter 32) (Main)
  • Warfaye (Priest 14) (Stormfaye)
  • Lunarblade (Warrior 12) (Stormfaye)
  • Poshmoo (Shaman 10) (Stormfaye)
  • Kerstolf (Warrior 30) (Main)
  • Iggi (Warlock 17)
  • Sajen (Shaman 13) (Sajen)