FO Raid Group/Membership

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Raid Manager: Crimm

Raid Leader: We are a group and act as such. You input means everything to us. If you know the fight talk about it, explain it, debate it if you want!

What's the difference between a raid manager and a raid leader?

A raid manager is responsible for general communication in the raid and on the forums, organization of the raid and distributing loot.

A raid leader is responsible for directing the group while in the raid, marking targets and ensuring that the group knows their assignments.

== Tanks? ==



Main Tank

Kainel (Paladin)

Off Tank

Illiad (Paladin)


MT Heals

Vandilight (Paladin)

Raid Heals

Mulcahy (Priest) Vhael (Druid)


Crimm (Warlock)

Psyanide (Warlock)

Katkiller (Hunter)

Yingko (Mage)

Bloodshoel (DK)


Beira (Mage)