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*[[Grimrust]] (Death Knight, Blood/Frost) (soon to be on extended leave)
* [[Grimcairn]] (Warrior, Prot)
* [[Jonnyg]] (Druid, Feral Tank/Kitty)

*[[Jandyn]] (Paladin, Holy)
*[[Roebeast]] (Druid, Resto/Balance)
* [[Jandyn]] (Paladin, Holy)
* [[Noumoudy]] (Paladin, Holy)
* [[Roebeast]] (Druid, Resto/Feral Bear not raid rdy)  

*[[Auttikin]] (Mage, Arcane/Frost) (on temporary leave due to real life)
*[[Darkying]] (Warlock, Destruction/Demonology)
*[[Laelaps]] (Hunter, Marksman/Beast Mastery)
*[[Yorthae]]  (Mage, Arcane/Frost)

Alternates and Former Members
* [[Auttikin]] (Mage, Arcane/Frost)
*[[Beira]] (Mage, Arcane/Fire)
* [[Crenille]] (Priest, Holy/Shadow)
*[[Chalmuun]] (Paladin, Ret/Holy)
* [[Darkying]] (Warlock, Destruction/Demonology)
*[[Hopestorm]] (Paladin, Ret/Prot)
* [[Laelaps]] (Hunter, Marksman/Beast Mastery)
*[[Knimbull]] (Druid, Resto/Bear)
* [[Yorthae]] (Mage, Arcane/Frost)
*[[Matagin]] (Rogue, Combat) Alt for Heroic Runs
*[[Naver]] (Druid, Cat/Bear)
*[[Podalirius]] (Priest, Disc/Shadow) Laelaps Alt
*[[Teraall]] (Warrior, Prot/Fury)
*[[Voltoro]] (Death Knight, Frost Tank/Unholy DPS)
* [[Caneton]] (Death Knight, Unholy/Frost) Auttikin's Alt
*[[Yingko]] (Mage, Arcane/Frost) Darkying Alt
* [[Dramus]] (Death Knight, Unholy)
* [[Grimjaak]] (Death Knight, Blood/Frost)
* [[Knimbull]] (Druid, Tree/Feral)
* [[Matagin]] (Rogue, Combat) Alt for Heroic Runs
* [[Podalirius]] (Priest, Disc/Shadow) Laelaps Alt
* [[Starrani]] (Priest, Shadow/Holy)
* [[Treznor]] (Priest, Shadow)
* [[Yingko]] (Mage) Darkying Alt

Open Positions
*We are currently looking for a Off-Tank to fill in full time as [[Grimrust]] will soon be taking an extended hiatus. Please contact [[Roebeast]] for more info. We also need four more DPS who can attend regular runs on Wednesday night at 10 pm server, as well as Sunday's at the same time for our potential second night.

*If you are interested in becoming an alternate or filling in an open spot as a regular member make a post on our Raiding forum [], or contact any of our members in game. In game /join TheDPSTeam to contact us, many of our members are in that chat channel while in game (either main or alt).
*If you are interested in becoming an alternate or filling in an open spot as a regular member make a post on our Raiding forum [], or contact any of our members in game. In game /join TheDPSTeam to contact us, many of our members are in that chat channel while in game (either main or alt).

Revision as of 00:34, 15 November 2009

The Dudes With Pointy Sticks raid team Together we make things dead






  • If you are interested in becoming an alternate or filling in an open spot as a regular member make a post on our Raiding forum [1], or contact any of our members in game. In game /join TheDPSTeam to contact us, many of our members are in that chat channel while in game (either main or alt).


The DPS Team (Dudes with Pointy Sticks) is a casual 10-Man Raiding group, initially formed by Dreadknotty, then lead by Beira when Life drew Dread away from us. Beira handed off the Scepter of Awesomeness to Grimrust for a while. Roebeast is our current 'leader,' meaning he does the run invites. We have no real head, each of us has an equal voice on how the group runs and what we are doing.

We are also a casual group, meaning that we're not hardcore about progression. If it takes several weeks to down a boss then it takes several weeks, we're in it to have fun playing together. There are also weeks where we're not able to fill the group for a qualified Raid so we settle for filling two 5-mans for Heroics, and we don't mind this. We're serious players of our classes, but we're also serious fun seekers over hardcore this-game-is-my-life style of Raiding.


We run Wednesdays and Sundays at 10pm (SVR), though we usually don't actually get going till around 10:30.


Yorthae is our Master Looter. At this point we're doing a ghetto Suicide Kings. Non-Tier loot that drops from bosses are rolled 1-100 with the player rolling the lowest winning. At that point the winner can still roll on any other gear that drops, except their range becomes 1-200. Should they win again they then roll 1-300. Any Tier gear that drops is always 1-100, regardless of who has won loot in the past for that run. First round of rolling is for on-spec gear, if no one desires it then you may roll for off-spec. Any gear that is not desired by any team member is sharded, we roll for the shards (also 1-100) at the end of the night and the winner receives their shard in the mail. The next run everything resets. Yorthae accepts bribes of gold, various psychotropic substances and bacon (please note: the bribe won't affect how the game does your roll).


Have fun, see content, have fun


We've cleared 10-Man Naxx, as well as the first two bosses of VoA. We're currently headed into 10-Man Ulduar, with three bosses down and two achievements our first night. Check out our progression on the Wiki's progression page [2].