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(10 man raiding)
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Revision as of 18:28, 25 January 2010

Finger Strength Fitness Group is a 10 man raiding progression team.

Raid times will be weekends from 7:30 Pm - 12:00 Am Fridays and Saturdays. I plan on going all the way to ICC 10 and hopefully kill the lich king. Raiders must be ready at 7:30 invites go out at 7:20.

Loot will be main spec first off spec after and if no one wants it after that i goes to DE and we roll on shards at the end of the session.

There will be 3 leaders one for each roll who knows their stuff. A healing leader a DPS leader and a tanking leader.

We are recruiting all classes and rolls because we are a brand new team but im hoping that we can hop into TOC soon and get us all geared up!

Tanks main tank- off tank- Healers tank- off tank- raid- Dps -Burntmojo - - - - -

Bench -

Mods - DBM(deadly boss mods) Recount, omen, healers- heal bot. any other addons that you would like to use you can just make sure they don't distract you or block your view in any way.