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Real Life Bio

Hi, I am Lesley. I live in Virginia and I work as a telecommunication analyst. I am married to another guildie (Auuggo/Cronorpse AKA Jason). We have been married for 15-year on 14 Mary 2009. We have to children, Beth age 13 and Trent age 10. Our daughter has a character in the guild as well. In addition to playing WoW and working, I had been a college student finishing my degree in Government and International Politics after serving 8-years in the Army. I've been out since 2001, and now that I'm not in school (graduating in May 2009) I am taking the time to have some fun.

Gaming Bio


It all started with an Atari 2600. Remember those? I loved mine. My favorite games were Planet Patrol and Combat. Those were pretty old school, and I still wish I could play Planet Patrol.

Next came the Nintendo. Mario has nothing on me. Ok, maybe he does. After that it seems like a blur. There was a Saga and Genesis in there somewhere. Super Nintendos, Game Cubes, XBoxs, Play Stations... they all run together now. Right now our family has the big 3. I personally like the XBox the best, but I don't play them.


I didn't play computer games until recently. I was never into solitaire or bubble pop. I never played any of the role playing games either. I only really recently started playing WoW. I was a however a gamer widow for many years. My husband played online games for hours. The turning point for me was initially when I was stationed in Korea without my family. My husband and I used a Korean-based MMO to keep in touch since calling overseas was so expensive. I could go to an Internet cafe and spend 4 hours playing online with him for only a dollar or so. That was pretty good. We played Nexus, Kingdom of Winds. Let me tell you, those caffeine pumped Korean kids got such a kick out of watching us play.

Then my family moved out to Korea with me and I didn't play another MMO until WoW. Jason played EverQuest and has beta tested more MMOs than I care to remember. So one day he asks me if he can register for this game called World of Warcraft. I say sure. Then I turn into the WoW widow. But he didn't pull and spouse aggro, I was busy with school, so that meant I didn't have to entertain him.

After a while, his raiding schedule got pretty heavy, and he took a break (who doesn't). When he went back, I was more interested in what he was doing, and I started playing a little. I had fun getting a few characters up to 20 somethings, but nothing serious. Then I stepped away because of school and work. Then I came back after my sister-in-law got the game and several of our co-workers (including our boss, [I work for the same company with my husband and his sister]) revealed that they also played WoW. That was February 2008.

A year and a few months later I'm still going strong with my main Yelsel and I've even joined the I'm Not Dead Yet raiding team with Jason. I'm loving ever minute of it.

Follow Me

You can find me pretty much all over the Internet with Pixie91075. If you see that, its me - Yahoo, MSN, AIM, Twitter, Gmail... Or you can just leave me a message on mine or Yelsel's talk pages.