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AIE: (A)ggro (I)s (E)xpensive

Hail AIE members!

Why: Starting a brand new team, allows the opportunity to create a fresh experience with clear goals in mind. Before Cataclysm drops, we would like to have cleared 10Man ICC. The most important piece to the puzzle is NOT progress, but having fun while doing it. Let’s face it, we play this game because we like to be social and work together to reach goals… sometimes those goals spawn whelps and breath fire however it’s all the same in the end. If we are patient, respect one another and don’t take failure to heart, we will be successful.

What: 1. Respect: Show respect to one another. Wiping doesn’t mean pointing fingers. Let’s get in a good rhythm and have fun first and success second. 2. Minimum of 4 pieces of Tier 9 gear. If you are interested in the group and do not fit this requirement, please notify us and we will consider you as pending members. 3. Fit in with the culture of the group. If we get along and have a good time great, if this isn’t the right group for you, that’s ok too. 4. Be willing to take a break and change plans for the night if we wipe 3x on a boss. Typically after a little disappointment, it’s good to faceroll a lesser instance and pay ONY a visit.

When: Our raiding will start with the tentative schedule as follows: -Tuesday and Thursday will be our dedicated weekly raids. Be on Vent at 7:15 ready to go at 7:30. We will plan on going until 10:30 server time (Eastern).

-Weekends will be optional and allow people the opportunity to run lesser raids to collect emblems, badges etc. We all have busy lives and various schedules and this is understandable. As we get off the ground and start to build some fluidity, other nights may open up. Burnout is not fun, and I would like to avoid us doing so.

Tuesday: VOA-10, ICC-10 (or Main Raid), Weekly Thursday: ICC-10 (or Main Raid)

Who: As a general rule, you probably wouldn't want to be in ICC with anyone under 4750 gear score stepping into ICC10. That doesn’t really mean squat when you think about a person’s skill. This is meant to give you a general idea of what kind of armor, weapons, trinkets etc that you might want to have before raiding.

This goes for off-sets as well in the case of the single Healer/DPS slot (for example Gunship Battle and Saurfang only require 2 healers, and its debatable on the others as well depending on our gear levels).

2 Tanks (43,000 buffed hp) 5 DPS (4000 sustained dps) 2 Healers (that can keep everyone alive and have fun) 1 Healer / DPS Hybrid (sustain dps / healing needs)

  • Keep in mind there is a 15% ICC Buff
    • This isn’t me drawing a line in the sand. If we have someone pulling 6,000dps then someone can obviously do 3000 dps and we’re ok.

Current Roster -- Tank - Jetadin (Paladin) Tank - Misere (Paladin) Heal/Dps - ************ Healer - ************ Healer - ************ mDPS - Salera (Paladin) mDPS - Sylvanious (Druid) rDPS - Polazkal (Hunter) rDPS - Sevenbelow (Mage) rDPS - Sophillea (Hunter)

Alternate List -- Healer: Lewstheran (Druid) Healer: Zakaman (Shaman)

How: One piece of gear per boss, two pieces per instance Off-spec unlimited Shards distributed (unless we decide as a group that we would like to keep for enchants)

Expected preparation -See gear requirements above -Fully repaired -On time -Bag Space -Mana Pots -Pots/Elixers/Flasks -Food (if you can make fish feasts for group) -Ammo

Required add-ons -DBM -OMEN -PallyPower (pally’s only) -Vent