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Fert is a Scott Johnson phrase that the AIE Guild has adopted for various uses. When World of Warcraft announced that guilds would be capped at 1,000 characters, there was a bit of panic as to how AIE would work as a guild in WoW. It was decided that we would split into co-guilds to work around the 1,000 character limit. Stigg created an addon to help facilitate the invitation of characters into the new co-guilds. Members were told to /gquit the Alea Iacta Est guild (also referred to as AIE Prime) and /join aiefert . In Wow, this would add you to a chat channel that the addon being run by the officers was monitoring. When the member typed Fert into the chat channel, the addon sent out a co-guild invite to one of the 9 new co-guilds (now up to 11 co-guilds) in WoW.

It has also been used as replacement phrase, as in "I'm just ferting around in game."